
What is The Longest Journey On An Electric Scooter

Aug. 21, 2024

The longest journey on an electric scooter covered 31,516 km, achieved by Qin Haidong, traversing multiple countries.


Unveiling the Record-Breaking Journey


Qin Haidong’s longest electric scooter journey sets a new standard in long-distance transport. This expedition, which covered an incredible length of 31,516 km, not only has demonstrated the durability and endurance of electric scooters but also has underlined human willingness to explore and travel. The ideas implementation required precise support with references, images, and a highly professional editorial team. Below is the list of sources taken from the article “ Qin Haidong Takes 31,516 km Long Journey on an 10 Inch Electric Scooter ” by Jomol Mathew while writing the article for CyclesNews . The list of sources aligns with topic specifics and meant for improving article capacity.

 What is The Longest Journey On An Electric Scooter

Qin Haidong’s Historic 31,516 km Ride


Route: Qin Haidong started the epic trip in Shanghai and drove through the remote and diverse landscapes in China, open steppes in Mongolia, and continued to head into Europe before finishing in London . Moscow, Paris, and Berlin were his stops in Europe. Each mile posed challenges, from when he negotiated his Disc Brake Electric Scooter in the mega cities to driving on the rough terrains in the isolated Gobi Desert .


The challenges included all factors, but extreme weather condition stood out. Qin faced up to 40 Degrees Celsius in the Gobi and -20 Degrees in Siberian jungles. Mechanical breakdown was a constant feature that he had to address over 50 malfunctions . In his endeavors, tire malfunction topped, but the battery wear-out and motor breakdown became a part of daily routine repairs. Travelling required battery power, which determined the trips he covered in a day before recharging. The battery had a potential of covering 100 km .

 What is The Longest Journey On An Electric Scooter

Route and Challenges of the Longest Brushless Portable Foldable Scooter Trip


Navigational challenges: The quality of infrastructure was not predictable, some areas like rural Mongolia and Russia had no paved roads and the nature of the terrain was risky and could reduce the speed and damage the vehicle mechanically.


Cultural Matters: The interactions Qin enjoyed with nearly all types of culture play a significant role in the trip. Travelling using the electric scooter has equipped him with unique experiences concerning diverse cultures with which he interacted across all continents. He speaks of the linguistic bar which translates into a barrier for those who are not aware of their dialects . Local customs midwifery the journey is likely to be challenging.


Age for Record Attempters


Minimum Age Requirement: The two physical and psychological preparedness must be accompanied by the conformity to certain set of rules to come out as successful competitor and winner. To attempt a journey using an Foldable Electric Scooter and emerge as an official Guinness record holder, an attempter’s age must be 18 years and above. Age plays an incredible role in determining the success of a trip. The age of an attempter plays a role in structuring an individual and trip schematics. For example, middle age riders are slow, determined, and take their time, and inability to hover . On the other hand, children are faster and might provide a plane flexible configuration.

 What is The Longest Journey On An Electric Scooter


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